
Built for independent builder's merchants

Your teams are busy and have ambitious goals. Paperplane enables every department to focus on their highest priorities without worrying about bad debt or manual work.

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Developed and trusted by independent builders’ merchants like you
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable

With thousands of invoices and hundreds of new customers to manage every week, it's impossible to stay on top of everything. Receivables teams can track debtor days or credit reports, but these are lagging indicators of credit risk, not predictive.
Instead, Paperplane gives your Receivables team a way to automatically track hundreds of thousands of customers every second. Every invoice, payment, payment type, and customer meeting update is analyzed to provide real-time alerts if a customer is high risk. No more manual customer credit reviews or guessing.
Credit Risk Dashboard

360° Risk Dashboard

Customer Credit Alerts

Real-time Credit Alerts

Data Consolidation

Data Consolidation

Automatic On-Stop

AI-powered Predictions

Predictable Cashflow

Predictable Cashflow


Automatic On-stop



From inventory purchases to meeting payroll, reliable cashflow is crucial for independent builders' merchants. But how do you accurately forecast cashflow if your predictions are wrong or your most reliable customers suddenly can't pay? Cash crunches and bad debt write-offs can severely damage your business and operations.
Paperplane analyzes millions of datapoints from 25+ data sources to get you 95%+ accurate predictions on which customers are high risk. Your finance team will know which customers to put on-stop weeks before it affects your cashflow and receivables.


Credit and finance ops teams are critical in determining credit limits for new customers and continuously updating existing limits for existing ones. With data across dozens of disparate data sources, operations teams need help centralizing this data and automating the most manual parts.
Paperplane aggregates data across your internal systems (ERP, CRM, FP&A), external sources (Experian, D&B), and even sales teams so ops teams have a single source of truth.  They can easily determine the appropriate limits and receive proactive alerts if they need to be adjusted.
Credit Risk Dashboard

Customer Profiles

Customer Credit Alerts

Data Consolidation

Data Consolidation

AI-powered Efficiency

Credit Risk

Supercharge Sales

Predictable Cashflow

Customer Love


Sales Intelligence

Sales / Account management
Sales / Account management

Sales / Account management

Attracting new clients and increasing spend and loyalty with existing ones is the name of the game. However, it can be challenging standing out against other competitors and being their go-to supplier for all of their building material needs.
By extending more credit, builders' merchants see a 2-3x increase in customer spending within a year. Because Paperplane rewards higher credit limits to customers with more spending and longer relationships, clients are rewarded for their loyalty. Win-win situation for everyone.

Enable credit to scale
without more risk

Allowing builders' merchants to focus on their customers, not credit
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